T: +31(0)85 0491 777 |
Englisch Nederlands

Datum: 20-6-2016


Our dealer Lineairtechniek® in Brazil is Micro.
This company is specialized in automation systems for the industry. Micro has offices in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia and Mexico.
Recently they have launched a new Expo bus.

Besides pneumatics and vacuum technology they also present our linear units. Almost all of Lineairtechniek® linear units are available in Brazil. Even our new linear spindle units!





Besides Germany, England, Poland, Portugal, China and Sweden, we are now also well represented in South America.
The concept of Almotion that we do not only sell products but a complete customer-specific solutions, is being appreciated in more countries.
We are an independent supplier of pneumatics and vacuum technology. In the linear technology we are the only Dutch producer of linear units.It's really made in Holland. 
Because we have everything in-house, we are really good at customer-specific solutions with short delivery times. It is even possible to design a completely new linear unit especially for you.
For more information please do not hesitate to contact us.